The Alternate View Awaits You
I guess some of you didn't get the memo, or some of you are just lazy, or some of you are just so blown away by my awesome ability that going here makes you feel inferior, but I have not been getting as much traffic on my alternate blog. You really owe it to yourself to check out "The Alternate View" so you can see just how wonderful and depressing my life can be all at the same time.
I mean seriously, look what you are missing. Stuff like this:

and this:

and this:

or maybe this:

and who can forget this!

OK, you might want to forget that last one, but hey, sometimes life isn't pretty!
Only two brave soles have signed up to follow this blog, so show me some love folks!
And while I am on the subject, I could use a few more subscribers on this blog as well. I mean really, Slyde and Earl are kicking my ass in this department and you KNOW my blog is better than theirs! (at least in quality, maybe not quantity).
So check me out and sign up....consider it my really cheap Christmas present.
Oh great photographer...forgive my laziness. Like how you are an equal opportunist picture taker; a still life along side short shorts that should never have left the house.
ReplyDeleteI peek over there. I'm ashamed my LG VX8700 doesn't seem to take photos quite like yours. Must be the phone, can't be moi [wink]
ReplyDeleteHey! :(
ReplyDeleteOk, sounds good. Will sign up for the photos. I pilfer your photos anyway for my posts. Did you see my last post that I used one of your photo on?
O-btw, read the counter point and jeez! This whole blow up and release tension crap that that family went through is pretty much the normal with my holler monkey Dad.
Well it use to be. Now I don't really care about what he says or does. And we avoid each other, which is fabulous. Plus it is so predictable, how he will try to rile people up. I just don't care really. So glad I have changed how I am not to be near or like him. Such a weight of my shoulders! Win win!
OK-so, I do want to counter point your work posts. Well, I did want to counter point your work posts. But, I didn't because, well, that would be difficult because I think we fundamentally disagree on a few things regarding one's work place.
But-perhaps I can explain my counter position by pointing out this post (below), which I believe shows another way of dealing with situations that are beyond one's control. Even if that situation is direct opostion to your core values as a person. Like your work place.
Hope that makes sense. If no, expect a counter post to your work posts :) (all in good fun though, in the spirit of learning from other bloggers mind you)
Heidi: There is a challenge in finding the beauty in the horror of modern day life.
ReplyDeleteNancy: It isn't the phone it is how you use it. Art does not require an expensive brush, just a lot of cheap canvas.
Earl: Owww, deal with it, you have 3 times the readers I do! I am trying to be more pro-active here!
Holly: I think your response was longer than my blog entry...will have to check out those links.
Ya I know, I do get wordy....apologies
Hey, getting a bit of an ego there, arent you?
ReplyDeletewho the hell do you think you are? Me?
Another thing on my list of to dos... I will do. One of these days.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photography!
ReplyDeleteHolly: Wordy isn't bad....wordy is good.....as long as they are good words.
ReplyDeleteSlyde: You are sort of my mentor.
Elizabeth: Do It!, Do It!, Do It!
Megan: Muchas Gracias
I was going to go when I catch up. I'm never going to catch up, so I'll just go now. QUALITY is much more important than quantity. I love my blogger friends who don't post every day!