Edna Ferber's "Show Boat" [TCM]
"I Walked
With A Zombie" [TCM]

Passage to Marseille [TCM]
Crusades [VHS]
This is a four tape VHS set that I have been making my way through. At first, it is a bit tongue and cheek showing how the Christians of central Europe really botched the idea of liberating the Holy Land and all the terrible blunders that they made. However, in the latter part of the series, it shows the dynamics of how the Muslim and Christian world settled on each other and came to respect the status quo. It is a must watch for anyone that has in interest in Middle East politics and history. I learned quite a few things about Muslim history and reasons for the schism with the west.
The Boondock Saints [BluRay]
Wow, this was interesting. I really can't recommend this film from an entertainment standpoint, but as educational offering , it has some merit. I had heard of this film before and know that it has a slight cult following (as can be attested to by the numerous sequels that have gone straight to video). A VERY violent film with lots of gunfire. However, it is beautifully shot, almost as though it was a ballet. The storyline is interesting, with William DeFoe's gay detective deconstructing crime scenes after the fact and then the actual crime is seen in real time. It is a fascinating juxta positioning of story line and style. Interesting to watch, but always ending in a bloodbath. Interesting premise, but the film falls flat at the end with no real conclusion.
Viva Zapata! [Laserdisc]
Another interesting find. The credits for this read like a whos who of Hollywood in the 1960s. Elia Kazan directs, John Steinbeck writes it, Alex North does the music and Marlan Brando stars. Unfortunately what you get is something akin to 'On The Waterfront' with sombreros. Brando as an Hispanic is a stretch and the story is slow to get moving. The ending, while predictable, draws you in because of the examples of political corruption and how it affects even the most dedicated freedom fighter.
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