Bigger, Faster, More Geeky
I am all done with with the tinkering.....so "TA-DA".....here is my new 'web-presence'. Looks the same you say? Well, yes it does. If anything it looks simpler. I have never been one for the big and flashy web page.
As I stated before, I was looking to update the way I 'used' the web and have made some changes to the structure of what I will be doing on the Internet and how I will be doing a lot of computing in general. In the past, most web content was centered around a 'homepage' where links and photographs were arranged in HTML code and stored on a web server. While that is still a pretty common thing to do, especially if you are in a commercial venture, it isn't the wave of the future.
One of the coming trends in the electronic information age is the concept of 'cloud' computing. For those that have not run across this yet, cloud computing is the concept of having major applications available on the web as opposed to be stored on your computer. This means that the computer simply becomes an input output device for things available on the Internet. Hence, smaller computers (net-books / cellphones, etc), with fewer (or no) moving parts that are much cheaper. The other added benefit is that your applications / documents / spreadsheets are available to you anywhere and aren't as easy to loose. With the advent of Wifi and broadband access in most urban areas, this concept of finally becoming a reality.
So, with this concept in mind, I have made "Hypocrisy" my starting destination / jumping off point for almost everything I do on the Internet. If you want to know what I am doing or see my latest project / adventure, this is where you are going to want to come. In my world, from here, you can go anywhere.
Some of the features / web pages that are linked to on "Hypocrisy" will require some up-to-date web browsers to access. Google documents and calendar, Flickr and MobileMe probably aren't going to work on anything less than Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3.0 or Safari 3.0. So if you aren't there yet, it is time to upgrade!
My ramblings on "Hypocrisy" aren't going to change much, and I have a couple of good blogs in the works. Of special interest to past visitors will be the 'Web Status' document linked to on the right side of the page, under links. This Public / Published Google Document will show the current status of my web presence as well as an explanation of the current links that I use on the Internet.
My expanded web presence is going to focus on a couple of key areas outside of the "Hypocrisy" environment. Primarily my numerous projects, which will be documented in the "My Projects Blog" and my expanded photography blogs (Alternate View / Flickr / Focal Plane) which will deal with low resolution, medium resolution and high resolution imagery respectively. I will also be moving into limited video production and file sharing with my You-Tube Channel (videos under 10 minutes) and my Mobile Me file sharing page (videos over 10 minutes). There are other links as well that are explained in the 'Web Status' document so be sure to check it out.
Lets not forget my Facebook page, which is quickly becoming the coffee table that we are all gathering around these days. If you just can't get enough of me, you can always check in here to see the short hand version of what is going on my life and the lives of those around me. If you want to add me as a friend on FaceBook, just do a search for me at the e-mail address lotus07@gmail.com and add me. Please tell me that you are doing so because you follow the "Hypocrisy" blog.
Finally, I am going to recommend that all you folks that don't subscribe to this blog already, do so. It is actually pretty easy and you won't be sent any spam or put on any mailing lists. However, you WILL receive an e-mail notification when I post a new entry on "Hypocrisy". That is just like getting a magazine subscription for FREE! How can you resist? Just click on the link on the right side of the page that says "Follow This Blog" under the 'My Opinionated Readers" section on the side bar. That is pretty much it. And don't worry, you can cancel it if I become too annoying. Besides, it lets me see the love that you are all sending me by subscribing and showing that you care.
So stay tuned for more wholesome "Hypocrisy" goodness in the coming days. I am back people......DEAL WITH IT!.
I like it. Simple is better. That's how I went when I did my re-design recently. Got rid of a bunch of crap and put the links to my other sites right there on top. Similar to what you did.
ReplyDeleteVery nice.
Huh. Well, looking good.
ReplyDeleteA lot of this post went right over my head, but it is good to know you are stretching your creative muscles via the technology available.
So there ya go.
Mrs. Hall (already a follower and fan of your photography :)
I don't notice a big change but I'm also ignorant like that. Welcome back, anyways!
ReplyDeletei like it.
ReplyDeleteand i agree.. simpler is better. thats why you dont see alot of fluff over at my site.. its basically just a black on white html page, similar to here..
I look forward in reading your ramblings about the moron in the office.
ReplyDeleteNice. Clean. Crisp. It's like you've been Feng Shui'd.
ReplyDelete"more wholesome Hypocrisy' goodness..."
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't get better than that!
The rest is way beyond my time availability and technical expertise, but it SOUNDS cool!