Friday, April 2, 2010

First Friday Flashbacks

Going way back to 2005 to mine this out of the archives. I was surprised that the audio presentation has been updated and it is a bit more current. Still funny / scary as all hell.....and much closer than you think. [warning, sound is required to hear this presentation]

First published June 2005

Pizza Palace Is Online

Click For A World Without Secrets

First of all, if you have not seen this little video clip, I highly recommend that you watch it. It is funny in the extreme and very well done. It made the rounds about 9 months ago and most of my friends saw it through e-mail.

However, that isn't why I am posting it here.

After I got done chuckling at this little skit and the paranoia that it was supposed to instill in all of us, I started thinking about 'why' the content was so funny.

The skit references a world in which 'big brother' has gone wild and can control our lives. There are no secrets, everything you do, buy, say and think is documented and can be used against you. Sort of George Orwell's 1984 come to life in the present day. The ACLU and the American left wing want you to be very afraid of this and want you to fear the idea of being 'exposed' for all the world to see.

Over the years, I have trained myself to ask the question "why" a lot. If someone tells me I should like something, or that I should be afraid of something, I ask "why". Seems to me, that too many of us take what others say (be it a friend, the media or the President) and take it as truthful.

If Exxon / Mobil says 'toxic sludge is good for you', I sort of ask "why". Could Exxon / Mobil be lying to me? What is THEIR motivation for telling me this.

So with this sort of warped mindset, I watched the ACLU's version of Pizza Palace and started asking some questions. Why is this so bad? If this type of world came to pass, what would it entail?

A world where neighbors had no secrets about one another.

1. A world where you knew if your new neighbor was a PhD scientist or a pedophile.

2. A world where you knew if they were taking out a 3rd mortgage on there house to deal with a gambling problem.

3. You knew that their last 3 houses all burned down within 2 years.

A world were no spouse had to worry about the other one cheating.

1. You knew that your spouse had filed suit against 3 previous employers, all for sexual harassment.

2. Your husband had really been at a strip club when he had told you that he was visiting a sick friend in the hospital.

3. That your fiancé was under the care of a psychiatrist for bi-polar disorder and extreme depression.

A world where employees and employers had nothing to hide and knew who was incompetent.

1. You would know before you took a job that the company has the highest turnover ratio during the last 8 months of their 15 year history.

2. You would know that your new female supervisor's maiden name was the same as the company founders and she had just gotten out of 2 years of drug rehab.

A world where your status and monetary prowess was known to all, and not masked by clothes, jewels, cars and homes.

1. You would know that the person driving the Hummer in front of you was in debt up to his / her ass and about to go bankrupt.

2. You would know that the bum on the street sleeping on a bus bench was really worth 8 million dollars and that he "chooses" to live the way he does.

3. You would know that the strange folks living across the street from you were actually using the home as a drop house for immigrant smugglers or a meth-lab.

A world where everyone knew what each others physical frailties where and they were all accepted.

1. A world where you knew what your friends, office mates, lovers and neighbors all had to deal with in their personal lives.

2. What diseases they had, what medication they were on.

3. What trauma they had faced in life.

4. How many kidneys' they had.

5. Do they know what chemotherapy is really like?

In short, this all sounds like the world of the 'good old days', when we all lived in small towns and knew our neighbors and everyone helped each other out and was compassionate to their plights.

Instead, the ACLU fosters the fear of having all your 'secrets' found out. We don't want people to know that we have AIDS or are about to go bankrupt, that we cheat on our spouses or don't know the first thing about our jobs. Because that would make us appear 'lesser' in the eyes of others and hurt our chances to 'improve' our situation through deception.

Seems that we are more in fear of having our ego's bruised than of having the world a better place and understanding others.

That was the answer to the questions of "why" that I kept asking myself after seeing this little video.

All of a sudden, it did not seem that funny.

Hmmm, I wonder "why"....


  1. I have too many thoughts on this to put together into a small comment. But I don't think it's a clear cut thing. It IS nice when people can talk about and share their problems and not feel stigmatized or be ostracized. And the small town everyone caring about each other's problems is nice WHEN it works (when people feel supported and not gossiped about). And it would be great if we really did acknowledge what we're really paying when we buy and eat something detrimental to our health.

    But I don't see anything wrong with the right to keep your problems to yourself and introduce them to people as they need to know or as you feel comfortable telling them.

    I mean, it's not deception to want people to see your good qualities first. When you meet someone you do your best to show them your best side. If they think that best side is worth getting to know and they enjoy you, THEN you can tell them about your sordid past, your various diseases, any addictions, the state of your financial affairs, etc. etc. etc.

    I think the timing of all this is what gets people all up in arms in a relationship. You don't have to introduce all your bad qualities right away, but it can be considered deceit if you withhold for too very long.

    But as for total strangers needing to know all your crazies and stuff...SEE! I told you this would be way too long!

  2. This blog generated some of the more hotly contested coments I have ever seen when it was originally posted. I don't support the view that we should all have our secrets exposed or have a kum-by-ya attitude toward social living and acceptance. It is a nice dream, but not really workable in today's society. The object of the blog was to make us question what we are told and think outside the box. Little did I know that it was such a hot button issue with so many people.

  3. im with Jill. Privacy should really be an option for people..

  4. Well what I REALLY wanted to say was:

    MY fiancee knows that *I'M* under the care of a psychiatrist for bipolar and extreme depression! KIDDING!!!! It's only mild depression. KIDDING AGAIN!!!!! Sort of...

  5. That clip was funny but not funny either. I have a Flybuys card which I use each time I buy groceries at this particular store. I build up points and then I can buy something completely pointless (usually a kitchen appliance). Anyway, last time I logged on to redeem my points it had a section that I could look at that showed how much and on what day I spent money at the supermarket over the past FIVE years.

    How boring for them to have to store such dreary information. But I did not like seeing it there. A reminder of how much I spend on day to day food.
